Student Services » Administrative Hearing Office

Administrative Hearing Office

Administrative Hearing Officer


The hearing office was created to ensure our ever-growing school district will continue to have a unified focus on providing a safe environment for students and employees. It is the responsibility of this department to review and respond to referrals of JCSD Student Code of Conduct violations referred by the school district's elementary, middle, and high schools. The Hearing Officer conducts all hearings, which are recorded. Office of Student Services (OSS) supports schools in creating and maintaining a safe and orderly school climate for all students by:

  • Establishing consistency among all schools in the referral and reporting process of JCSD Student Code of Conduct violations

  • Assigning case dispositions that support schools toward improving their school environment while providing students with opportunities for continuing their education in the most appropriate setting

  • Identifying interventions and alternative educational programs for students, instead of expulsion

The Administrative Hearing Office handles disciplinary issues when interventions at the school level are exhausted. The Jasper County Code of Conduct offenses include:

1.   Level 1 - Disorderly Conduct adversely affects student educational progress. Typically, this offense is handled by teachers; however, with multiple offenses, other options are used.

2.   Level 2 - Disruptive Conduct significantly disrupts the positive learning environment and/or endangers the health and safety of oneself or others. Sometimes, the Disruptive Code may overlap with certain criminal offenses justifying both administrative and legal sanctions.

3.   Level 3 - Criminal Conduct occurs in activities that significantly disrupt the learning environment or pose a direct and serious threat to the safety of oneself or others. Such activities require administrative action and may require action by law enforcement and/or the Jasper County Board of Education.

The Office of Student Services may make one or more of the following dispositions:

*  Assignment to the Jasper County Alternative Program (JCAP)

*  OSS Probation for a specified amount of time

*  Recommendation for expulsion

*  Successful completion of an approved alcohol and other drug (AOD) community-based program

*  Completion of community services at approved location/site

*  Recommendation for counseling services

*  Recommendation for other interventions and/or other community-based programs