About Us

Jasper County School District (JCSD) is a rural school district located in Jasper County, South Carolina. Jasper County is located in the Lowcountry region of SC.
Jasper County School District serves approximately 2,700 students, Pre-K – 12th-grade.
JCSD has two Pre-K - 12th-grade campuses. The north campus is located in Ridgeland and houses Ridgeland Elementary School, a Pre-K - 5th-grade school, and Ridgeland Secondary Academy of Excellence, a 6th - 12th-grade school. The campus also features a Career and Advanced Technology Education (CATE) Center that is home to eight career pathways. Pathways include Aerospace Technology, Business Management, Cybersecurity, Family Consumer Science, Health Science, Horticulture, Information Technology and Distribution & Logistics.
The south campus is located in Hardeeville and houses Hardeeville Elementary School, a Pre-K - 5th-grade school and Hardeeville Junior & Senior High School, a 6th - 12th-grade school. The school system also has an alternative school, an adult education program and a virtual academy.
The system provides college and career support through offerings at the Beaufort-Jasper Academy for Career Excellence (BJ-ACE) for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. BJACE offers 14 different vocational programs, and all programs focus on producing students who are qualified either to attend college or begin their careers.
JCSD is governed by a nine-member Board of Education that is responsible for hiring and advising a Superintendent.
The district’s superintendent is Dr. Rechel Anderson, the Board of Education, administrators, staff, and stakeholders have embraced our motto, “Jasper County School District: Student-Centered...Future-Focused!.”
To accelerate student performance and ensure they are college and career-ready, JCSD continues to evaluate its educational practices, resources, governance, and student services to determine areas of strengths and challenges. Structures and programs are being put in place to move the district forward.
The following are a few of our current priorities:
• STEM/STEAM Initiatives
• Executing J.A.G.S (Jasper Academic, Growth Systems)
• Balanced Literacy Platform
• Expansion of JCAP Student Choice Opportunities
• Theme-Based Focus Schools
• Targeted Mental Health and School Safety and Cleanliness
• Launching of the new district-wide logo
• Center for Instructional Quality (CIQ)
• Boys and Girls Club at Hardeeville Elementary
• Recruitment and Retention Initiative
• K-8 Computer Science Classes
• STEM U Labs at Hardeeville Elementary, Ridgeland Elementary, and Hardeeville-Ridgeland Middle School
• MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) District-wide Framework (in progress)
• District-wide Literacy Initiative: Implementation of Open Court in elementary schools
• Development of District Data Team