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Student Spotlight: Meet Mr. Silverio Perez, Graphic Designer Featured Photo

Student Spotlight: Meet Mr. Silverio Perez, Graphic Designer

Submitted by Mr. Tom Balliet, Board Member.

An organization I belong to in Sun City, the Sun City Environmental Club, was newly formed and looking for a logo. I had heard Dr. Stephanie Hart, Director, JC CATE mention that the Design and Marketing classes were trying to establish themselves in the community, so I contacted her. The classes developed several options, and the Club picked one.

Ms. Broughton, Ms. Stephanie Anderson, the student with the winning design, and family were in attendance for a brief presentation that awarded Mr. Silverio Perez with payment for his design and recognition for his work.

This is the logo he designed.
Community News: Gun Safety Program for  Parents, Teachers, Administrators and Community Featured Photo

Community News: Gun Safety Program for Parents, Teachers, Administrators and Community

From First Presbyterian Church of Hilton Head:

The First Presbyterian Church of Hilton Head Island’s Social Witness Ministry is sponsoring an important event on Children's Gun Safety. Dr. Annie Andrew, a pediatrician and advocate for the safety of all children is the guest speaker. All are welcome and there is no charge. We hope you and others are able to attend to support our children.

I know you are concerned about gun safety. Here is an opportunity to support our children and assist in their protection from accidents and potential violence and to get information from a professional who has devoted her career to the care and protection of children.
Community News: George Washington Carver & Friends Black History Program Featured Photo

Community News: George Washington Carver & Friends Black History Program

Black History, History ,Social Studies and STEM

Black History heroes laid the groundwork for some of the most amazing discoveries of the m o d e r n era, especially when it comes to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Hosted by the incredible scientist, George Washington Carver, a man who invented thousands of uses for the lowly peanut, this show introduces students to other incredible scientists, entrepreneurs and groundbreakers from Black History. Meet Madame CJ Walker, Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall and more!

Student Spotlight: A Great Attitude Goes a Long Way! Featured Photo

Student Spotlight: A Great Attitude Goes a Long Way!

Meet Deysi Garcia, a sophomore at Ridgeland Secondary Academy of Excellence. Mr. John Bolsch, a teacher at JC CATE, believes you should know her name. Ms. Garcia is an intrinsically motivated learner who is eager to take on new challenges, learn from her mistakes, and grow. She is a natural leader in the classroom, always asking questions, helping her peers, and showing enthusiasm for learning every single day.
Important Weather Announcement: JCSD will have an eLearning Day on Friday, January 24, 2025 Featured Photo

Important Weather Announcement: JCSD will have an eLearning Day on Friday, January 24, 2025

Out of an abundance of caution and in consideration of the safety of our students and staff, the Jasper County School District will have an eLearning Day on Friday, January 24, 2025.

All students will participate in eLearning, and all staff will work from home.

All evening athletic activities will be rescheduled for a later date. Please prioritize your safety. We will announce the schedule for Monday, January 27, 2025, this weekend.
Meet our OUTSTANDING Dual Enrollment Scholar Featured Photo

Meet our OUTSTANDING Dual Enrollment Scholar

Shakeria Grant is a dedicated senior at Ridgeland Secondary Academy of Excellence, currently participating in our dual enrollment program. Shakeria plans to major in Early Childhood Education and is working towards becoming CNA certified as she strives to be a Health Science completer in our CTE Program. Shakeria is known for her outstanding work, leadership, commitment, and achievements. She also owns the title Miss RSAE 24-25 , as she embodies leadership and school spirit. During her free time, she pursues her passion for hair and enjoys watching documentaries, fueling her curiosity and love for learning. Shakeria is also a proud member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at TCL, showcasing her commitment to academic excellence and community involvement. With her talents and determination, Shakeria is set to make a positive impact both in and out of the classroom. Congratulation on all your accomplishments Shakeria!


JCSD cultivates an environment of excellence through innovation, inspiration, and opportunities in partnership with the community.