Student Services
Office of Student Services and Alternative Programs
The Office of Student Services (OSS) and Alternative Programs (JCAP) operates to support students and parents to gain access to the educational programs of the school district that will promote success for the individual student. Our primary purpose is to create a learning environment and professional culture of caring. We support students’ emotional and physical well-being as well as their intellectual, cultural, and social development. The programs and services provided by the OSS are within six major areas: mental health counseling; school social work; student health services; student academic assistance via JCAP; attendance services; and positive youth development via mentoring partnerships. The OSS also provides support services for students that include but is not limited to Mckinney-Vento Services, Migrant Services, and Homebased/Homebound Services. The JCSD Data Specialists, Mental Health Counselor, Clinical & School Social Workers, School Nurses, School Resource Officers, and Behavior Interventionist work together to act as systemic change agents. These OSS employees provide comprehensive support systems and advocate for agency, equity, access, wellness, and success for all students. School-based and Student Services staff work together to provide the guidance, support, and professional development needed for the implementation of these programs and services in the schools.
The department provides or administers the following Programs/Services:
- Administrative Hearing Office
- Alternative Education
- Behavioral Health
- Community Resources
- Educational Documents
- Health Services
- Homebound
- Homeless
- Home School
- Homebound Instruction
- Medical and Mental
- Nurse
- Resources
- School Resource Officer
- Student Accountability
- Student Services Documents
- Transcripts/Student Records
- Truancy
- School-Based Health Services

Mr. Senaca Baines
Administrator of Student Services / Virtual Administrator