Technology Proficiencies
JCSD Teacher Technology Proficiencies
School year 2016-17 began the implementation of teacher technology proficiencies. As we provide more technology resources to teachers and students, it is our responsibility to make sure the technology is being used in the education of our students, ease of administrative tasks and better organization and time management for our teachers. Just as we attempt to close the digital divide for students, technology proficiencies will level the digital instructional field for teachers. What may appear to be time-consuming in the beginning, will prove to be a great pay off later on. Each school will have a Technology Proficiency OneNote notebook. Teachers will place the requirements of their completed proficiencies in their private folders.
Teacher technology proficiencies have been identified as:
Each teacher, guidance counselor, instructional coach, assistant principal and principal in Jasper County must meet the Entry Level competencies the first year they are in the District. Jasper County is a Title I school district and we are required to show continuous rigor with technology requirements. To meet this requirement objective E1 of the Entry Level Competencies must be completed each year. All other Entry Level Competencies need to be completed year one. No additional levels will be added to this level after year one.
Progressive Teacher Technology Proficiencies should be completed after Entry level. Teachers will be expected to document a minimum of two competencies a year at the Progressive level. The Jasper County School District strives to provide continuous, consistent technology training for all teachers as technology is ever changing. New software and programs are introduced in the District, training is imperative for teacher and student success of use. Jasper County is a Title I school district and we are required to show continuous rigor with technology requirements. New documentation must be submitted each year in order to meet the minimum requirements for the district. Teachers will move through each level of Teacher Technology Proficiencies at their own pace.
All teachers are expected to eventually document competencies in the Proficient level, however, some teachers may continue to document competencies in the Progressive level for several years before they are ready to document in the Proficient level. New competencies will be added to this level yearly.
Not all teachers will document the competencies in the Exemplary level. Teachers attaining the Exemplary level competencies are demonstrating technology use at a mastery level in the classroom. New competencies will be added to this level yearly.