Volunteer Services
Jasper County schools offer many opportunities for parents, citizens, and businesses to take active roles by promoting student achievement and a positive school culture. Mentoring programs allow community volunteers to work one on one with at-risk students. Businesses and professional organizations can build strong relationships with individual schools. And community members are encouraged to share their time, talent, special skills, and interests.
Ensuring student safety
While the district recognizes, appreciates and respects the commitment and dedication of its many volunteers, our top priority is safety. One way we protect students is by thoroughly screening the volunteers who work with those students.
Anyone wishing to volunteer in the Jasper County School District, including student mentors and parents, must submit an online application and consent to a criminal history check. THE ONLINE SCREENING IS CONDUCTED AT NO COST TO THE VOLUNTEER. Start this process by clicking on the link below.
How our background checks work
The school district’s volunteer background check process includes a nationwide search of criminal databases and sex offender registries. There is no charge for the background check, and no information about the content or nature of the background check is shared with school principals or staff. Social Security numbers are strictly confidential and are never made available to school personnel.
Please be truthful in your application, and rest assured that a minor infraction in your past will not prevent you from volunteering.
· Complete the application and consent for a background check
· Select one or more schools
· The review and approval process may take up to 14 days
· Failure to provide required information will result in a delay
· Social Security numbers and background checks are NOT VIEWED by school personnel
· Volunteers should contact the school volunteer coordinator about their status
· Returning volunteers must resubmit the online application annually
Once your application is approved, you will volunteer ID badge in the mail in approximately 15 days. The badge is good for one year of volunteer service with the district. You must wear the volunteer ID badge at the school site at all times. You will also need to bring a government-issued photo ID when you enter the school to verify your identity.
Once approved & badge is received, please contact the school in which you were approved for your initial visit & assignment. The volunteer coordinators per school are:
Ridgeland Elementary
Feneshiae Greene - [email protected] - 843-489-8845
Hardeeville Elementary
Bryan Jefferson - [email protected] - 843-310-1888
Hardeeville Junior & Senior High School
Blake Raley - [email protected] - 843-310-1898
Ridgeland Secondary Academy of Excellence
District Office/Central Services
Maria Nolte - [email protected] - 843-489-8892 ext 1002
We need volunteers just like you!
Follow this link to our Secure Volunteer site to initiate
your background screen, which is required for all volunteers.