Science Content Specialist
Welcome to the Science Lab!
The science department on both campuses is doing a phenomenal job with improving science teaching and learning. Teachers are providing hands-on experiences for students to explore the science concepts. We are proud of the strides we're making in developing a love for science for our scientists!
Tested Sciences
All science teachers are expected to teach their grade-level science content and courses; however, the SC Department of Education only tests science for grades 4, 6, and biology 1. To access JCSD's science curriculum documents for those tested areas, click the links below.
4th Grade
6th Grade
Biology 1
EOCEP Biology and SC Ready Science Item Specifications
Information from the SC Department of Education:
Note to teachers: these documents are intended as a guide for item developers working in and with the Office of Assessment and Standards and not as a curriculum or instructional guide. The information found within these documents reflects the content limits and the foundational knowledge targets addressed by the state assessment.
Click the link below to find the item specifications.
For science support, contact Senaca Baines.
SC Department of Education Science Standards
Science Test Blueprints